The Karnasch full range of high-speed-end mills is one of the most comprehensive ones in the world. Karnasch Professional Tools offers a widely spread range for all materials, in many designs, diameters and lengths, all of which are available ex stock, specifically for mould construction.
The Karnasch end mills comply with the narrowestproduction tolerances (e.g. diameter tolerances as of 0 / -0.010 mm and radiustolerances as of +/-0.003 mm) for a continually consistent quality, top results and process safety as of a diameter of 0.05 mm.
Karnasch end mills are a reliable partner with highest machining demands in small- and large-batch production and are delivered in geometries and coatings aligned with the material to be machined.
Karnasch Professional Tools also offers the option to producespecial devices according to yourwishes. A team of experienced technicians will support you throughout the process.
Solid carbide mill for mould construction
Solid carbide mill for graphite
Solid carbide mill for steel
Solid carbide mill for Inox (rust-free steel)
Solid carbide mill for hardened steel
Solid carbide mill for hard processing
Solid carbide mill for titanium
Solid carbide mill for aluminium
Solid carbide mill for copper
Solid carbide mill for NF-metals
Solid carbide mill for plastic
Solid carbide mill for Ampco
Solid carbide mill for cast iron / grey cast iron
Solid carbide mill for CFK/GFK
Solid carbide mill for carbon
Solid carbide milling <70 HRC